Twitter-in-Chief: ‘We Will Close Them Down’

Matt Homer
2 min readJun 17, 2020

We will heavily regulate them or close them down.” –Donald J. Trump

Recently, I was reading a 2017 article published in The Guardian, written by Sophie Pinkham. Pinkham, writing about Russia’s annexation of Crimea, said; “For the moment, Putin is taking a leaf out of Stalin’s book, blaming every problem on external enemies, internal wreckers or incompetents.”

Sound familiar?

It’s the fake news media, it’s the Democrats, it’s sleepy Joe, it’s Obamagate, it’s the deep state, it’s Chi-na, it’s Joe Scarborough, it’s Mitt Romney, it’s Jeff Sessions, it’s even Fox News, on occasion.

How many people have walked through the revolving door of the Executive Branch of Government? How many Inspectors General has he fired?

When is it going to be the most powerful man in the world taking responsibility for the job that he applied for, and when will the people who hired him do the same?

When does the buck stop here?

Remember when the Republican Party claimed to be the Party of personal responsibility?

Well, it has been hijaked, bound, gagged, and rebranded, and I hear it will soon be reduced to a platform that can fit on a postcard.

Now, it is led by a petulant child who needs the adults in the room to demand he put up his phone and go to work, or no Big Macs for dinner.

Come to think of it, that’s what I have to tell my children. I think it’s time the GOP told their man-child the same.

The GOP’s problem is not the Democratic Party or Joe Biden; it’s our own. So, we can continue to deflect, ignore, pretend, or wait it out, which will be too late in my opinion.

Or, we can take the beam out of our own eye, so we can see the splinter in our brothers’.



Matt Homer

Educator. Writer-ish. Perpetual learner. INFP.